Mountfield 1638H Twin Ride On Lawnmower
Powered by a twin cylinder STIGA ST 550 V-Twin engine with hydrostatic transmission, The 1638 Twin is easy to use with forward and reverse speed controlled simply through the use of a foot pedal.
The 1638H Twin features a 98cm twin blade cutter deck with anti-scalp wheels that provide an excellent finish. Light steering and a tight turning circle make it easy to manoeuvre around trees, borders and garden furniture with the minimum of effort.
*Remember our mowers arrive assembled and ready to mow with free nationwide delivery!
-586cc V-Twin Stiga ST 550 Engine
-Hydrostatic drive
-38" mowing width
-Collect or mulch (mulch kit included)
-240L Grassbag
-1.8 acre per hour mowing speed
Tags: Mountfield 1638H Ride On Mower 16hp V-Twin 38", Mountfield 1638H Ride On Lawnmower, Mountfield 1638H Ride On, Mountfield 1638H, Mountfield 1638 H, 1638 H Mountfield, Mountfield ride on mower, mountfield lawn tractor, mountfield ireland, mountfield ride on ireland, ireland mountfield, ireland mountfield ride on, 1638 H, 1638 H mountfield