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Billy Goat
Billy Goat CR550HCEU Scarifier 5hp 20"
Category Lawn & Garden
TypeLawn Scarifiers
BrandBilly Goat

Billy Goat CR550HCEU Scarifier 5hp 20"

- Push Scarifier

- 163cc Honda GC160 Engine

- 5HP

- 1225 m2/h

- 51cm / 20" Rake Width

Additional Details

Billy Goat's Compact Power Rake manoeuvres easily around small properties, removing matted thatch from turf in 20" / 51 cm passes. Its rugged design withstands the most demanding use.

The CR55OHCEU scarifier comes standard with Honda power coupled to a free-swinging heat treated tempered flail blade reel, mounted to construction grade cast iron bearings with grease fittings. The flail reel can be changed over to an optional slicing reel in 10 minutes.

The heavy-duty constructed single-piece unit has low vibration due to its reduced overall number of parts, improving operator comfort and handling.

An adjustable idler permits the operator to set the precise tension for maximum belt life.

The padded, ergonomic handles are stiff under operation and fold for easy transport and storage.

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